is so fucked.
Seriously, even if none of my endless conspiracies are true (however, I still maintain that they are), our country is running out of money, the stock market is dropping, and our money-saving recession-proofing isn't working. Middle America is paying other people to "save" their money while huge corporations makes a profit, thus perpetuating our own downfall.
How is the revolution going to start with no start-up money? The baby-boomers are retiring, and there's no money for our generation to do the same when our time comes. Can a president really fix this? What's next for US? We're in limbo, in college, preparing... preparing for what? Is there going to be anything left for us to do when we're finished learning?
Imagine: no vaporizers coming in the mail, no Fazoli's meals out, or large Target expenditures. Beer and cigarettes?--as cheaply priced as possible, in order for our addicted youth to maintain vices, but not health.
So, of course... let's just buy up stocks, knowing that the multi-million dollar corporations will be the last things to fall, if they ever do. Is this ethical though? Once again, perpetuating a way of life that pisses of other countries in its selfishness, and is ultimately heading for our generation's downfall.
I'm nervous.
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i'm putting a comment on here, because i have more to say quickly.
the girl on NPR just hit the nail on the head with what i was trying to say on this post... Her words, verbatim:
"Well, it's true that the consumer drives this country, so by all means keep spending. But my best advice honestly is to save and let others spend. It's selfish, but in order to prepare yourself, by all means, you must save."
She also said that if everyone starts saving, we'll run out of money, there will be no consumers, and we will dive into a second great depression.
well it's true we live in an almost entirely service economy. Without consumers, there is no business. But just think how hard it is for us to stop consuming as much as we love to. But we could do it. We could cut WAY back if we really wanted to, if we thought that we needed to, which in this post it seems that should be our goal. Other people, with MUCH more lavish lifestyles than our own, will be less likely to cut down their consumption. So our solution is to stop buying drugs/ alcohol all the time, and start puttin a little away. Then move somewhere far away from here. far far away
Rachel I think a lot of your fear stems from the fact that you think humans are actually in control of whatever the current economic situation is. If I thought that I would be scared out of my mind too! In reality our economy is a force all on it's own. It NATURALLY goes through upward and downward cycles. All we can do (and I use that term very loosely because by "we" I really mean the Fed chairman) is manipulate interest rates to help us out of the down cycles slightly faster. And trust me, Ben Burnake the current Fed chair, is very well equipped to do that job. Also, the way our economy works is really such that in times of "great suffering" as we are in right now, will be followed by a booming success. We should all be thrilled at the times ahead of us! The market will literally be PERFECT for all of us to graduate, find a job and then by a super cheap house after a year or so in our positions. Everything comes full circle, and if you're having trouble believing that pick up a history book. This is the way its been for years and we too will survive a bad presidency as our foremothers before us.
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